The Tiwal Cup returned on the 18th May 2024!

This year’s regatta was extra special as it was the Cup’s 10th edition! There were 78 Captains, on board 51 Tiwals, that had come from all four corners of France, and the rest of the world: Germany, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Switzerland and the USA!

While we would all have preferred a bit more wind on the day, at least it proved a great opportunity to take in and appreciate the sights of the Gulf of Morbihan in the sun… before the torrential rain that welcomed us back to harbour!

It was a great day that concluded with the customary award-giving ceremony during the dinner; a moment which always offer participants the opportunity to bond over their passion for dinghy sailing.

This edition’s winners are:
🏆 Tiwal 3 solo: Luc Dieulot
🏆 Tiwal 3R solo: Hervé Darier
🏆 Tiwal 3 double: Marie Labro and Olivier Dang
🏆 Tiwal 2 double: Julia Schaefer and Richard Babbé

Speed-assembly competition:
🥇 Tiwal 3 solo: Pierre-Étienne Mertens (13’ 45”)
🥇 Tiwal 3 duo: Rikke Erch and Ulrik Petersen (10’ 05”)
🥇 Tiwal 3R: Christophe Druart (16’ 28”)

Jury’s special awards:
🥇 Most beautiful paddle: Benjamin and Eric Julien
🥇 Best sailing style: Jean-Marc Haeck