New Tiwal 2XL family inflatable sailboat


Discover the New Tiwal 2XL: the inflatable, family sized sailboat

The Tiwal 2XL is the first Tiwal equipped with a headsail.

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Saltwater Journal logo Press

Tiwal in Saltwater Journal

Saltwater Journal focuses on the Tiwal 3 sailing dinghy, and discusses its features with Melinda Henshaw, former 470 olympic.

#Tiwal 3

Tiwal Cup 2024 Events

The Tiwal Cup returned on the 18th May 2024!

The Tiwal Cup returned on 4th June 2024 in the Gulf du Morbihan, France! Tiwal 2, Tiwal 2L, Tiwal 3 and Tiwal 3R - all models hitted the water for a day of fun and shared adventure.


US>News>Demo Days Events

Try a Tiwal in Rhode Island!

Test sail Tiwal sailboats in Rhode Island!

#Tiwal 3 , #Tiwal 3R

Tiwal amidst Icebergs Getaways

Sailing amidst icebergs

The daring adventure of two friends and their Tiwal 3.

#Owner Sailing Videos , #Tiwal 3

Our posts

3000 Tiwal sailboats round the world! Our News

3000 Tiwal around the world!

3000th sailboat delivered! 🔥

Rating Tiwal Our News

Dixie-Portsmouth Number ratings for Tiwals models

All Tiwal models have Dixie-Portsmouth Number ratings to enable our Captains to take part in regattas.


US sailing association Events

Tiwal attends NSPS

Tiwal attended US Sailing’s National Sailing Programs Symposium in Savannah, GA, 2024, Jan 31-Feb 3.

#Boat Shows

Electric motor mount for small sailboat Our News

New Temo electric motor mount

You can now use an electric motor on your Tiwal!


US>News>Our New>Top 10 best boats Our News

The Tiwal 3R awarded Top 10 Best Boats 2023

Sail, a major US sailing magazine, has just announced that the Tiwal 3R has been honored as one of the SAIL Top 10 Best Boats for 2023.

#Tiwal 3R

Tiwal sailing dinghy on Lake Titicaca Getaways

Tiwal on Lake Titicaca

The Grand Tour team partnered with Elisabetta Maffei to sail Lake Titicaca!

#Tiwal 3 , #Videos

US>Our News>BOTY>Thumbnail Our News

Tiwal 3R elected Boat of the Year 2023 by Sailing World!

The Tiwal 3R was elected Boat of the Year 2023! A very proud moment for the whole Tiwal team.

#Tiwal 3R

US>News>540x540 Our News

Boost your Tiwal!

There's something new at Tiwal! A new, very rigid composite daggerboard will allow you to sail upwind even better and to increase the power of the boat.

#Tiwal 2 , #Tiwal 2L , #Tiwal 3