A mainsheet swivel jammer base for the Tiwal 3
For easier sailing in strong winds or to sail for longer periods, Tiwal launches the Harken cam cleat with a swivel to jam off the sheet.
For easier sailing in strong winds or to sail for longer periods, Tiwal launches the Harken cam cleat with a swivel to jam off the sheet.
BoatSales.co.au tests the Tiwal 2 and Tiwal 3 Sailboats in Pittwater, Sidney (Australia).
The Tiwal Cup 2019 rolled out on the 8th of June, 2019, starting from Toulindac, in the Gulf of Morbihan.
Busan Haearm sailing academy now teaches on a fleet of Tiwal 3 inflatable sailing dinghies.
Vincent, our technical advisor, presents the Tiwal 3 from the back of his car to the water.
Three buddies took a Tiwal 3 on an epic journey in Namibia. Check the 1st episode!
Alex is sailing and surfing his Tiwal 3 inflatable sailing dinghy in Hawaii, Kawela Bay. Cool waves!